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COSTA RICA TARRAZUTarrazu is a premier coffee district in the Pacific Mountains of Costa Rica. Our Costa Rica Tarrazu is a medium-bodied coffee with flavorfull, nutty undertones accented with a slightly crisp bite. Flavor: Medium Body:Medium Acidity:Crisp Aroma:Bright

Costa Rica Tarrazu
Costa Rica Coffees are a WOW coffee, with every sip, you find yourself thinking WOW is this Costa Rica Coffee Great. This peak roast, medium body and medium flavor coffee has nutty undertones accented with a slightly crisp bite. Each batch of Costa Rica coffee is crafted in gas-fired drum roasters and then air-cooled using a proprietary method. Once you brew Costa Rica Tarrazu in your pot, you'll never switch to anything else...
Product NameOur PriceQuantity
Costa Rica Tarrazu Regular Ground
Costa Rica Tarrazu Regular Whole Bean
Costa Rica Tarrazu 5 lb. Bag